A list of qualified dressmakers, teachers and sewing professionals in the USA and abroad, their areas of expertise, and locations.
Business Name Contact Name Location Specialties Professional Credentials Contact Info
Margaretrose Custom Clothing Design Margaretrose Design Los Angeles, CA By appointment only at her studio/office. Production, Bridal, Costume, Formal, Home Decor, Prom, Patterning, Collaborative, Custom, Aletrations Dressmaker. In business since 1972, creating costumes and clothing for people, events, and performers all over the world! Visit the website for more resume and pictures. Email

Need more options? When appropriate, projects can be done long distance (by mail), with the dressmaker's guidance regarding measurements and fabrics. Some dressmakers will work with you long distance, using email, phone, snail mail, photographs, Skype, Facetime, or similar services. They are listed here.

Last updated: 14-June-2021
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