A list of qualified dressmakers, teachers and sewing professionals in the USA and abroad, their areas of expertise, and locations.
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These are unsolicited comments from users and members of the site...

Clients have said...

"I wanted to thank you for the beautiful job (creating the custom teddy bears in memory of her husband...) The whole family loved them!"

-C.S. - custom client

"What a great site... You're like a matchmaker, Mimi!"

-A.B. - Designer/client

"Great idea. I've been looking for someone to copy my favorite skirt (but better), and you steered me in the right direction..."

-M.M. - custom client

"Thank you for your site. I was able to find a dressmaker only 13 miles from my home!"

-R.L. - PA client

Additional note: Unsolicited stellar feedback has been received for the following:

Cindy Chock (NY)
Marilyn Johnson (MD)
Iman Re (NY)

Dressmakers have said...

"Last year, I advertised in a local magazine for six months, which cost $2000, and got about $500 of business out of the deal. (Shortly after joining the website)... I have had four contacts in the last month, and just finished an ($X) order for a client who found me through your site! Now that's what I call a great return on investment(more than tenfold), with 11 months to go!"

- PA Custom Clothier

"This is the only advertising money I've spent that has actually paid off! It is also great to be able to refer out of state people to the site and support other (professional sewists)."

- IN Custom Clothier

"Thank you so much for doing this, Mimi. Maybe we won't always be the 'best kept secret'!"

- MA Custom Clothier

"I think the website provides a really wonderful service, not only to the public, but to the dressmakers listed as well. I have had at least several calls from it... The site is easy to use and straigtforward, I think it is excellent. I especially like the fact that it is focused on all aspects of custom dressmaking."

- MA Custom Clothier

"I have no way to explain how helpful and rewarding your site has been. You have been a blessing in disguise."

- NY Dressmaker

"Thank you so much for the site, it is the first thing that pops up on Google � great job!!!"

- NC dressmaker

"I was afraid to list myself... was a little skeptical, since no internet advertising has ever really paid off for me, but within a few days, I was getting calls. Not every one becomes a customer, but they have all been genuine opportunities."

- NY dressmaker

Last updated: 17-March-2016
© 2016 Find A Dressmaker